The Plot and the Characters in this story is purely Fictional. This narration is solely for educational (part of my Creative Writing Course requirement) & entertainment purposes. Reader's Discretion is advised! :D
Enuff said!
Ehem! Ehem! *Fixing my narrator voice*..
Long before the time of our ancestor, our forefathers looked like aliens.
Without hair or fur, just skin and bones and one huge eyes.
One day while hunting,
they saw the most extraordinary Creature in the animal kingdom, the Lion.
What amaze them were not the creature’s sharp claws, nor its magnificent fangs.
They were stunt by the beauty of the lion.
Thick luscious hair on it, glinting like golden sheet at the struck of sunshine.
Then our forefathers called up a meeting to discuss this matter during dinner near the bonfire. They were still awfully strike with their encounter of this magnificent creature with golden sheet.
They couldn’t stop talking about it.
Then they decide on a plan to stalk these creatures.
Maybe they can investigate how or where these creatures get their golden sheet.
They followed the creature with intense precaution.
Day in, day out, they watch these creature and report back daily activity of these magnificent creature. How they sleep, how they hunt, how they eat, how they play, just about everything.
But our forefather still couldn’t figure out anything about the golden sheet.
Dumbfounded, our forefathers assembled another meeting.
They remembered the wicked witch of the west mountain.
They decided, that what ever it takes, they must somehow be granted wisdom to acquire the golden sheet.
So, they wandered about to locate whereabouts of the wicked witch.
When they finally locate her, they made an appointment to see her.
For 7days and 7nights they travelled.
Their hearts were gleaming with hopes.
When they arrived, they went for One on One session with the witch and told the witch their desire to acquire a Golden sheet of their own.
Some want to have it covering up their entire body, some just want to cover up 'certain' places, some just want to have a long golden sheet on their head with different colour and highlights.
All forefathers agreed on one thing for sure, they all want a golden sheet covering up their big eyes because they are afraid of getting cataract.
The wicked witch agreed to grant their desires and she wish to see what offerings they might bring her for this particular deed.
Because of all the excitement,
our forefathers forgot to bring along offerings for the wicked witch.
The wicked witch was very enraged by this and couldn’t help but to sulk in a corner.
Our forefathers was anxious and they agreed to entertain the wicked witch by doing jumping jacks, hula hoops, rope skipping, & played cops and thieves with the wicked witch.
Satisfied, the wicked witch agreed to go on with the plan.
But, she informed our forefathers that the thing they want the most will recede over time.
Our forefathers understood and they sign up a M.O.U & agreed to all the terms and condition. Minutes later, the wicked witch chants in each ears.
And… *Pooff* Our forefathers are no longer bare, they have different style of ‘sheet’ on their body. Their eyes are no longer hurt when they are under hot gleaming sun.
Because they have what they call, an ‘i-borrow’ which later known to us as, eyebrows.
So folks, that is why until now we have eyebrows.
(At least, according to me anyway.) XD
LOL, iBorrow, XD
those who have no eyebrow nowadays are aliens!thanks to u.now i knoe this..haha~
sulk in a corner XD
Can't think of a better way... :P
seindah2 ciptaan Tuhan... =)
selamat berpuasa...
snyum slalu... =)
selamat berpuasa yer...
Thanks Bro! :)
Thanks Cath! ^^
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