Hey, welcome to The.Secret.Diary.of.Me
I rarely update about my most deep, intimate secrets
in a very detailed manner.



I have my secrets

You have your secrets

shoot me with a gucci handbag if there's someone out there
who claims that they don't have any.....

(Lucky mother f-er you...!) (>.<) *Envy*

Secrets usually fall into one of three categories: sexual, mental health-related and failure-related. -Dr. Anita Kelly

As I see it, there are several types of secret:

1#. Secrets you kept and are afraid of getting exposed.

Picture from lostgarden.com

2#. Secrets you kept and don't care if it gets leaked
(Coz, you'd be famous for all the wrong reasons)



Ok, sooo Yesterday, I know. (--___--)
Read more -here-

Not forgetting...

one yummy Secret!!


Secret Recipe!


and Lastly, One very 'exposed' SECRET!!

Jeng!! Jeng!! Jeng!!!


The Victoria's Secret!!!!!

Thanks popolia.com! ^^

"Winning!!" -Quoting Charlie Sheen.. :P


Call it a Secret-sharing or a Confession OR
have a "PART two of my confession" Quoting Usher...

"When you take down some of the things that is burdening your mind or heart, you'll feel better about yourself"-Dewi.B.2011.. ^^

Hence, I wanna Share with YOU.

Yes, you!!!

PostSecret is an avenue to explore women's issues in a deeper, more intimate fashion. The posts provide conversation pieces that enable people to discuss difficult or taboo topics that surround women's issues. Source


Here are some secret sharing-s that we all might be able to relate to:

All photos are courtesy of postsecret.my. :)

So, calling on GiRLs!!
and Other Malaysian Women out there to step up to the plate
& take up this challenge!




I'm not forcing you to do something you don't want.

If you aren't uncomfortable with the idea, walk calmly to the EXIT door.

If u feel unwilling, then Duhh...just don't do it...
How hard is that anyway? XD

I'm in favor of this act because I strongly believe that there are people out there who need to know...


* You have a place to go to *


* You are not alone *


* There are someone out there who cares *

Just think about these questions for a moment:

------- If you could help someone feel better, wouldn't you want to?-------
----- If you could ease your burden, wouldn't you want to?-----




By the way,

did I mention that YOU can share or confess their most private thoughts at the comfort of respect and confidentiality?? Hee..


Send your Secret/s ANONYMOUSLY.

Here are some of my Secret-Sharings:

Or you can say:

Hahahahah....... JK. JK.. XD

Special Thanks to : Ignant.de <--click 4 more photos.
u won't regret it! LOLOL

P/s: Move your cursor to any names Tagged in this post for more information. :)



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Rayyan Harries Contest!!

Once upon a star,

There lived one funny little thing, doing funny little noise..

The funny thing was, no matter what this thing do in life, everyone adored him.

One day, he decided to give away his secrets hidden inside a HUGE Back-Packs.

So this thing conspired with TheBigSmallBoy, Rayyan Harries!!

They decided to unleash the secret of Happiness to those who really deserve it.


If u think you deserve something special in life,
try out your luck with their simple contest!

I know I am!!
hahah.. ^^

>>>>> The CONTEST <<<<<

People Tagged:


(Click their names to Check Out their awesome BLOG!)


Rayyan Haries, I want that backpack because I'm gonna kick-start my Travel Journey soon! & I'll be needing a big Back-Pack!!! to put in souvenirs & perhaps, steal away someone's heart too!! ;P huahuahuahua...

P/s: Unless I get the Back-Pack, I wouldn't know the Funny-Little secret. ;P
I NEED to get my hands on that Bag!! XD

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A lot has happened since the last time I wrote.
I just didn't have time to put it into writings..

Most of the time I'm just engrossed with my own thinking.
Besides, It's my last semester Shah Alam.
Things are pretty hectic especially since it's a short semester.

Too much to update really...
I dunno where to begin with.
For the time being, I'll just keep the stories. ^^
Waiting the right opportunity to truly sit down and write. :)

Thanks for Dropping by to check my updates!
It's very much appreciated.
I'll do my best to make a visit to your pages. ^^

This is my current fav s0ng. :)
Been listening to it thousands time over. ^^ haha..

It somehow sums up what happened to me recently.
Coincidence huh? :P Yes. Freaky Coincidence!! (>.<)

Except for the kidnapping part of course!



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